Editorial Policy

Our Sustainability website "Sustainability" has been edited for the purpose of conveying NX GROUP's approach to sustainability and an outline of our activities to a wide range of stakeholders.
The Sustainability website classified information according to the perspective of environmental value, social value, economic value, and governance. In particular, to improve the efficiency of information searches carried out by wide range of stakeholders, it provides a list of Sustainability Data and a GRI Content Index. In addition, the Group is involved in a range of communities (social contribution activities) to contribute to the resolution of community-based problems and the development of society, the details of which are provided on our Sustainability website.

Scope of This Report

This report covers sustainability-related activities and the management structure of NX GROUP (including Group affiliates in Japan and overseas). Some of the material reported applies only to NIPPON EXPRESS Co., Ltd.

Reporting Period

FY2022 (January 1, 2022–December 31, 2022)
Certain sections may include information prior to FY2021 and information from FY2023.

Reference Guidelines

  • GRI Standards for Sustainability Reporting (reference)
    GRI Content Index [PDF 277KB]
  • Ministry of the Environment's Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2018 Edition)