We conduct individual interviews for analysts mainly via telephone or online conferencing. These dialogues are based on financial results presentation materials and monthly information disclosures, etc., and include an explanation of our business, including logistics market trends and business environment.
Our president and CEO and the director in charge of the Corporate Planning Division meet regularly with overseas investors via conference calls and at conferences sponsored by securities firms. In addition to visiting overseas investors in person and participating in interviews, we conduct interviews via teleconference and web conferencing.
Item | Status |
Main representatives | President and CEO, managing executive officers, executive officers |
Investor Relations Promotion Group, Corporate Planning Division | |
Shareholder overview | Domestic and international fund managers, analysts, ESG-related professionals, and persons exercising voting rights. |
No. of individual meetings (January 2023 through December 2023) |
No. of individual meetings for Japanese and overseas institutional investors 177 meetings/263 companies. *Includes overseas IR interviews (North America, Europe, Asia) |
Main dialogue topics | Period: Main topics discussed in individual meetings held from January 2023 to December 2023 (1) Overview and profitability of the forwarding business (2) M&A strategy (3) Earnings forecast (4) Status of business plan initiatives |
We hold dialogues with investors in a variety of ways. The topics of interest in these dialogues range from an overview of financial results, business outlook, trends in the logistics market and business environment, management strategy, profit improvement, M&A strategy, and shareholder returns. We communicate the feedback received from these dialogues to the Board of Directors to reflect this information in management.
As an example of specific dialogue feedback incorporated in this manner, we added information as supplementary materials to our financial results briefing based on questions about business trends, particularly trends affecting our air and ocean freight forwarding businesses. We began disclosing Japan and Overseas Segment Air Export Freight Forwarding Business Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin in our presentation materials for the second quarter of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 and Gross Profit per TEU for Japan/Overseas Segment Outbound Ocean Export Freight Forwarding in our presentation materials the first quarter for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. We believe these added disclosures provide a deeper understanding of our business.