Implementation of Measures

1.Measures to Revitalize Shareholders' Meetings and Facilitate Voting

Early Notification of General Meetings of Shareholders Our company’s record date is December 31, as stipulated in our articles of incorporation. In accordance with laws and ordinances, announcements of the electronic provision of the “Notice of Convocation of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders” and the convocation notice will be sent after a certain period of time has been secured for financial settlements to be processed and the associated accounting audits to be carried out. In addition, we will endeavor to announce the measures for electronic provision and to send out the convocation notice as soon as possible.
Electronic Voting Facilities Our company has adopted an online voting system that enables investors to exercise their voting rights via the Internet, smartphone or cellular phone.
Measures Including Platform for Electronic Exercising of Voting Rights to Improve Voting by Institutional Investors Our company has introduced an Electronic Voting Platform called the Tosho Platform for institutional investors to vote electronically.
Provision of an English summary of the Convocation Notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders In the interest of creating an active shareholders' meeting and to facilitate voting, an English version of the convocation notice will be made available.
Others Both the English and Japanese versions have been posted on our company's web site.
The URL of our company's website regarding the "Shareholders Meetings" is as follows:
(Japanese Website)
(English Website)

In addition, by providing live streaming of general shareholder meetings (hybrid-participation virtual general shareholder meetings), shareholders who are unable to attend the meetings are able to view them from their homes.

2.IR Activities

  Supplementary explanation Explanation in Person by Representative
Establishment and Announcement of Disclosure Policy Respecting the principles of the "Fair Disclosure Rules" set forth in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, our company has established and posted the disclosure policy on its website for the purpose of enriching communication, and maintaining and improving relationships of mutual trust, through timely and appropriate disclosure of fair and highly transparent information, as well as through dialogue with stakeholders including shareholders and investors.

Our company’s Disclosure Policy is available on our websites:
(Japanese website)
(English website)
Regular Meeting for Private Investors
  • Briefing for individual investments
    Our company participate in meetings held by securities firms and reports our business operations and achievements to private investors.
    【Results held in fiscal year 2023】
    In FY2023, the division in charge of IR was used as a speaker to give one presentation at an online company information session for individual investments hosted by a securities company.
    (Implemented on December 14, 2023)
Regular IR Meetings for Financial Analysts and Institutional Investors

Our company holds various briefings for securities analysts and institutional investments as follows:

  • Financial results briefing
    • Every six months, on the day of the announcement of the company’s yearly and half-yearly financial results, we hold a financial results briefing where the President, Chief Managing Officers and other executives explains the details of the results and answers questions.
    • When the financial results for the first and third quarters are settled, the officer in charge of finance explains the details and respond to questions at online meetings, etc.
    • The contents of and main questions and answers at the above quarterly Results Meetings are posted on our website. On-demand videos of the annual and semi-annual financial results briefing are also available in English as well as Japanese audio.
      (Japanese website)
      (English website)
  • Small meeting and IR conferences sponsored by securities firms
    • A small meeting between analysts/institutional investors and our President and other executives is held as appropriate.

      【Results of small meetings held in fiscal 2023】
      We held one small meeting with Representative Director President as speaker on March 7, 2023.
    • We will also actively participate in conferences sponsored by securities firms, viewing them primarily as opportunities to meet with foreign investment householders.

      【Major participation in fiscal year 2023】
      First half of 2023: 2 participations
      Second half of 2023: 1 participation
  • Investor Day “IR-Day”
    • Business briefings and investor days (IR Day) are held as appropriate for analysts and institutional investment investors, where Representative Director President and each executive officer explain the Company's initiatives by business and other themes.

      【Results of IR-Day held in fiscal 2023】
      Last IR-Day was held on September 14, 2023, with themes including promotion of sustainability management, global business growth strategies, expansion of synergies and the PMI system to realize them, and the management strategy of our group.
    • Materials for IR Day and other briefings related to our management policy and business strategy are available on our website under "Investor Day."
      (Japanese website)
      (English website)
Regular IR Meetings for Overseas Investors
  • In addition, the President / Representative Director and the Director responsible for IR will hold regular meetings with overseas investors via conference call and participate in conferences hosted by securities companies. In addition to travel to overseas investors and in-person interviews, we also proactively conduct interviews via teleconference and web conferencing.
Posting of IR Materials on NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS Website Integrated Report, Earnings Report, Earnings Presentation Materials, Main Questions and Answers at Earnings Presentations, Securities Report, Business Plan, Reports, IR Calendar, Sustainability Date Book, and Monthly Report are posted on our company's website, “Investors.”
(Japanese website)
(English website)

Our company also has a website for private investors which exhibits shareholder returns, our business development, our strengths and goals.
(Japanese website)

Person or Division in Charge of IR The Investor Relations Promotion Group has been established within the Corporate Planning Division and the Director in charge of the Corporate Planning Division manages IR activities. -
  • Handling of Individual Interviews
    Individual interviews are conducted mainly for analysts, using phone calls and web conferencing. The dialogue is based on our company's business conditions, including trends in the logistics market and the business environment, using financial results presentation materials and monthly disclosed information, etc.
  • Main matters of interest to shareholders and investors and matters incorporated following dialogues
    As discussed above, our company engages in various forms of dialogue with investors, and the topics of dialogue and matters of interest to investors range from an overview of financial results, performance outlook, trends in the logistics market and the business environment, management strategy, profit improvement, M&A strategy, and shareholder returns. The Board of Directors is regularly informed of the views expressed so that they can be reflected in business management.
    As examples of specific matters incorporated based on the dialogue, based on the questions we have received regarding our business trends, especially the trends in our air and marine forwarding business, we have included “Trends in Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin of Airfreight Export Business from Japan and Overseas Segment” from Q2 FY12/2022, and “Trends in Gross Profit per TEU of Ocean Freight Export Business from Japan and Overseas Segment” from Q1 FY12/2023, in the supplemental materials of the financial results briefing, in order to further promote understanding.
  • Business Observation Tours
    In order to help investors gain a better understanding of our business, we will also hold tours of facilities such as the business locations of Nippon Express, our main operating company, and the business locations of our overseas companies as needed, taking requests and necessity into account.
  • Report to Shareholders
    We deliver a report twice a year to our shareholders to help them understand the business conditions and operations of our group.
    Our company’s business reports for shareholders are available on the corporate website.
    Business Reports website URL:
    (Japanese website)
    (English website)

3.Initiatives Relating to Respect for Shareholders' Positions

Internal Guidelines for Respecting Shareholders' Positions
  • Our entire company group has incorporated “contributing to society through logistics” into our corporate philosophy. Policies and activities to respect our stakeholders and establish good relationships with them are stipulated in the ”NX GROUP Charter of Conduct” and group compliance regulations.
  • And, based on our Corporate Philosophy, our Corporate Message and the commitment to “Safety, Compliance and Quality” written in our Charter of conduct as a value to be cherished, our company outlined our initiative to collaborate with stakeholders in our “Long-Term Vision,” which visualizes the position our group wishes to achieve in 2037-- 100-year anniversary of our group founding. We clearly state that we will achieve business growth by working together with all stakeholders including “customers and the general public,” “shareholders” and “employees.”
  • Based on the above, we have established the “NX GROUP Sustainability Policy” and the “NX GROUP Sustainability Vision” as our basic approach to sustainability and the vision of what we should aim for. Based on these policies, we have established various policies that stipulate respect for human rights, environmental management, and other stakeholder positions.
    Our approach to sustainability can be found in “Sustainability” on our website:
    (Japanese website)
    (English website)
Implementation of Environmental Protection Activities, CSR Activities, etc.
  • Promotion of Sustainability Management
    • We recognize that in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value, it is essential to appropriately address issues relating to sustainability and promote sustainability management. Our board recognizes these efforts as an important risk management issue, and our Bord of Executives and Board of Officers also consistently take up this matter as an agenda topic.
    • In January 2023, the NX Group formulated the “NX GROUP Sustainability Policy and Vision” to promote sustainability management as a unified group, in which we set forth the three values of “Economic value,” “Environmental value,” and “Social value.” Through our business operations, we aim to realize a sustainable society, including the development of logistics services that contribute to creating such a society. Moreover, in August of the same year, the "NX GROUP Human Rights Policy" was formulated, followed by the "NX GROUP Sustainable Procurement Policy" in December. We will continue working to achieve a sustainable society through responsible business activities and the use of dialogue with our shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders.
    • In order to put this approach into practice, in conjunction with the formulation of the “NX Group Business Plan 2028,” the Board of Directors has resolved to review the Group’s Key Issues (materiality) and is undertaking initiatives to address each of them.

    [Key Issues (Materiality)]

    • Develop and strengthen sustainable solutions (main initiatives: strengthen materiality solutions, strengthen decarbonized logistics solutions, etc.) 
    • Solidify global supply chain (main initiatives: improvement of IT infrastructure and security level, promotion of DX to increase efficiency, quality, and profitability of logistics)
    • Strengthen response to climate change (main initiatives: reduce CO2 emissions associated with fossil fuel use, reduce electricity use, expand introduction of renewable energy, etc.)
    • Enhancement of human capacity to foster innovation (main initiatives: securing and developing excellent human resources, enhancing well-being, etc.)
    • Respect for human rights and responsible corporate activities (main initiatives: ensuring safety and security, respect for human rights, etc.)
  • Implementation of Environmental Protection Activities
    • In the “NX GROUP Corporate Philosophy,” our group clearly states its status and relationship to society as “contributing to society through logistics and bringing an enriched life to future generations.”
    • As for our efforts to protect the environment in particular, we stipulated the “NX GROUP Environmental Charter” and the “Environmental Regulations,” and have been purposefully implementing activities. At the same time, in order to promote environmental management as a unified group, we regularly discusses various measures related to environmental management at the "Sustainability Promotion Committee," and are working on measures to promote environmental management.
    • Extreme weather patterns due to the progression of the global warming associated with climate change can lead to closures of main highways and service disruption of railway containers and air cargo. These can cause serious damage to our logistics business. Also, waste reduction will lead to a reduction of environmental burdens and thus a reduction of our business costs.
    • In January 2023, the NX Group set a mid- to long-term CO2 emissions reduction target, and has been working to reduce CO2 emissions across the NX Group by introducing environmentally friendly vehicles and renewable energy. Following our support for the recommendations of the TCFD in May 2022, we submitted a letter of commitment to SBTi in May 2023 and are working to obtain SBT certification.
    • We are a logistics company which uses fossil fuels and emits carbon dioxide. Therefore, we recognize that global environment protection is a very important issue as well as creating new business models and improving corporate value. We are promoting initiatives such as proposals for transportation with reduced environmental impact using CO2 visualization tools such as One Stop Navi, Eco Trans Navi, and NX-GREEN Calculator. We are also promoting modal shifts and joint logistics, the introduction of vehicles with low environmental impact such as EVs, and the use of alternative fuels such as SAF and biofuels.
    • We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through our business activities and enhance our corporate value.
  • Compliance promotion system
    • Our company has established systems to promote compliance management by establishing Compliance-Risk Management Division in the Risk Management Headquarters and compliance committee to promote sensible business activities. We are promoting the establishment of a system to promote compliance management as an integrated group. In addition, in order to realize our Corporate Philosophy, we have established the “NX GROUP Charter of Conduct” to regulate our daily activities and indicate the direction of our activities, and the “Compliance Regulations of NX GROUP,” to ensure sound, transparent and fair business activities. These are subject to revision or abolition by resolutions of our board.
    • The code of conduct is posted on our company’s intranet and written on the compliance card for our staff to refer to and implement as required. We also have written the “NX GROUP Compliance Handbook” in 16 languages and given one to all employees in our group, including those in our overseas subsidiaries. These translated handbooks are available on the company’s intranet. We also implement stratified training, group education training for new employees, workplace education and e-learning so that everyone becomes familiar with the code.
    • In order to further spread awareness of the code at group companies, including those overseas, we set down the “Competition Law Compliance Regulations,” “Anti-Bribery Regulations,” and “Personal Information Protection Regulations” as group regulations, as well as drawing up guidelines for each. We are now working to establish systems and ensure implementation.
    • We publish the Integrated Report and the Sustainability Databook in order to report the NX Group's policies and activities concerning Sustainability to the stakeholders in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.
      The website of “IR Library”:
      (Japanese website)
      (English website)
Establishment of Policy on Providing Information to Stakeholders

Our Company has established a disclosure policy on its approach to timely and appropriate disclosure of fair and highly transparent information, and will disclose information accordingly.

The disclosure policy is disclosed on our website.
(Japanese website)
(English website)

  • Initiatives for Safety and Health
    • Ensuring safety and health in the working environment allow our group employees to work in confidence. Also, traffic safety and work safety are social responsibilities we must enforce when we operate logistics business. These are also the sources of the strength of our company’s service. Therefore, we place great importance upon these.

    <NX Group Safety Philosophy>
    “Safety takes precedence over everything else”
    Ensuring safety is the foundation of management and is a corporate social responsibility.
    <NX Group Health Philosophy>
    “Fill workplace with health and smiles”
    Health is the wish of everyone and provides vitality for the company and its employees to continue to grow.

    • With regard to safety, our company shall develop a safety promotion system and establish the Group's Safety Goals and initiatives every fiscal year based on the Safety Philosophy. Each company of the Group shall set its own goals in accordance with such goals and initiatives, and promote various initiatives led by the safety promotion manager and person in charge.
    • And in order to enhance the safety awareness of group companies in Japan, our company established a “Commitment to Safety” to express our determination toward the prevention of accidents and disasters.
    • In the area of health, we have made the "NX Group Health Declaration" as a priority initiative to promote health management, and are promoting various initiatives by creating a health management map showing management issues and measures to be solved through health management at each group company, and by building a health management promotion system.
    • Information regarding our safety and health initiatives is available in our company’s Sustainability Data Book, Integrated Report and on our website.

    NX Group Sustainability Databook Website:
    (Japanese website)
    (English website)

    NX Group Integrated Report and Annual Report Website:
    (Japanese website)
    (English website)

  • Initiatives for Promoting Diversity
    • The NX Group has established the “NX GROUP Basic Policy for Diversity Promotion” and the “NX Group Human Resources Policy” by resolution of the Board of Directors. Our company regards its employees as “human assets” and is committed to recognizing diverse perspectives and values and working to ensure that they lead to sustainable growth.

    [Development of the NX Group Human Resources Policy]
    The NX Group’s approach and policies regarding “human assets” are to be used as a common foundation to address various human resources issues in the Group and globally, and to maintain consistency in the Group’s human resources strategy. We also believe that by disclosing our policies, we can clarify “the profile of the human resources we seek” and “our Company’s commitments,” which will help us secure human resources and increase corporate value and engagement. The “Company’s commitments” in the policy states that the Company is dedicated to diversity, providing a place where diverse human resources can work together to create new value, and where all members of the company can work with a sense of unity.

    [NX Group “Basic Policy on Diversity Promotion”]

    • By promoting diversity and creating an environment where all employees respect each other's diversity and maximize the power of each employee, we will realize "self-growth and self-fulfillment for employees" and "sustainable growth and improvement of corporate value of NX Group".
      “Respect for Diversity”
      We will respect each other regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, disability, etc.
    • In order to foster company-wide awareness, for example, in Nippon Express, a major subsidiary, the President himself has made a top-level commitment, and individual branch managers, who serve as the heads of organizations, have issued a “Branch manager diversity declaration” on the Company portal site to continuously demonstrate within the Company a determination and commitment to the aggressive promotion of diversity throughout the company.
    • In addition, a diversity promotion manager will be assigned to each block, and the status of the initiatives will be shared at the diversity promotion manager meetings that will be held on a regular basis.

    [Improving Engagement]

    • The NX Group believes that a strong sense of belonging, a strong ability to contribute, and the realization of an environment in which employees can demonstrate their abilities will lead to sustainable growth and corporate value through increased productivity. In order to measure these factors quantitatively, we have conducted an engagement survey of our major subsidiaries, including those overseas, since FY2023.
    • This is being implemented throughout NX Group with the aim of creating a workplace where all employees, including women, can play an active role. With the results broken down by attributes such as job level, company history, age group, and gender, allowing for quantitative evaluation of diversity status, as well as results for each organizational unit, the survey aims to provide problem-solving that will lead to behavioral changes on the part of every employee, so as to realize the business plan and improve engagement while conducting analysis and providing feedback.
    • The engagement survey will be conducted annually to monitor changes and verify the effectiveness of measures, and the PDCA cycle will be used to achieve sustainable growth and improve corporate value by harnessing the achievements of our diverse human resources as a strength.

    [Work Style Reform]

    • In the Japan Region, the NX Group has set KPIs to ensure diversity within the company, such as the proportion of women in management positions, the uptake rate of paid leave, the rate of male employees taking childcare leave, and the employment of people with disabilities, and will continue to promote the creation of a comfortable working environment. 
    • Furthermore, in order to increase motivation and provide opportunities for growth, a posting system has been introduced to allow employees to think about their own careers and apply for transfers, giving them the option to choose the way they would like to work.

    For more information on our efforts to promote diversity, please refer to the Sustainability Databook and Integrated Report below.

    Our Sustainability Databook are available on our websites:
    (Japanese website)
    (English website)

    NX Group Integrated Report and Annual Report Website:
    (Japanese website)
    (English website)

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