Nippon Express' International Marine&Harbor Transportation Results

  • FY 2024
  • FY 2023
  • FY 2022

Ocean Cargo Export from Japan (Monthly results by quantity)

Unit : TEU

  FY 2024 (a) FY 2023 (b) YoY (a/b)
Jan 15,347 15,811 97.1%
Feb 18,089 19,793 91.4%
Mar 19,622 21,654 90.6%
Apr 19,679 20,796 94.6%
May 17,621 16,932 104.1%
Jun 20,235 20,038 101.0%
Jul   19,374  
Aug   17,068  
Sep   19,972  
Oct   20,663  
Nov   18,881  
Dec   20,786  
Total   231,768  
*Figures are rounded off to unit.
*Quantity handled by Nippon Express Co., Ltd. (Non-Consolidated).
*We changed the method for counting ocean forwarding volume originating from January 2024.

Ocean Cargo Export from Japan (Monthly results by quantity)

Unit : TEU

  FY 2023 (a) FY 2022 (b) YoY (a/b)
Jan 15,811 18,906 83.6%
Feb 19,793 21,886 90.4%
Mar 21,654 25,401 85.2%
Apr 20,796 23,418 88.8%
May 16,932 20,581 82.3%
Jun 20,038 22,394 89.5%
Jul 19,374 22,005 88.0%
Aug 17,068 19,034 89.7%
Sep 19,972 19,920 100.3%
Oct 20,663 23,587 87.6%
Nov 18,881 21,364 88.4%
Dec 20,786 21,775 95.5%
Total 231,768 260,272 89.0%
*Figures are rounded off to unit.
*Quantity handled by Nippon Express Co., Ltd. (Non-Consolidated).

Ocean Cargo Export from Japan (Monthly results by quantity)

Unit : TEU

  FY 2022 (a) FY 2021 (b) YoY (a/b)
Jan 18,906 19,044 99.3%
Feb 21,886 22,024 99.4%
Mar 25,401 24,801 102.4%
Apr 23,418 22,299 105.0%
May 20,581 19,584 105.1%
Jun 22,394 22,148 101.1%
Jul 22,005 21,668 101.6%
Aug 19,034 21,047 90.4%
Sep 19,920 22,112 90.1%
Oct 23,587 24,101 97.9%
Nov 21,364 21,711 98.4%
Dec 21,775 23,503 92.6%
Total 260,272 264,043 98.6%
*Figures are rounded off to unit.
*Quantity handled by Nippon Express Co., Ltd. (Non-Consolidated).

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