Nippon Express Holdings' International Marine&Harbor Transportation Results

  • FY 2024
  • FY 2023

Ocean Cargo Export from Japan and overseas (Monthly results by quantity)

Unit : TEU

  Japan Total Overseas Total Total Weight
  Current-year Prior-Year Difference Current-year Prior-Year Difference Current-year Prior-Year Difference
Jan 15,722 16,320 96.3% 55,473 36,551 151.8% 71,194 52,870 134.7%
Feb 18,532 20,370 91.0% 50,400 37,232 135.4% 68,932 57,602 119.7%
Mar 19,998 22,192 90.1% 55,726 41,122 135.5% 75,724 63,314 119.6%
Apr 20,128 21,366 94.2% 53,273 38,597 138.0% 73,401 59,963 122.4%
May 18,020 17,420 103.4% 56,316 39,729 141.8% 74,336 57,149 130.1%
Jun 20,663 20,541 100.6% 56,687 39,323 144.2% 77,350 59,863 129.2%
Jul   19,916     42,603     62,519  
Aug   17,425     40,629     58,054  
Sep   20,634     44,978     65,611  
Oct   21,199     40,656     61,855  
Nov   19,394     40,079     59,474  
Dec   21,356     41,115     62,470  
Total   238,133     482,614     720,746  

*Figures are rounded off to unit.

*Japan total is the handling volume of the consolidated total.

*Results for 2024 include cargo-partner results by region of origin.

*The volume results listed correspond to the Business Plan 2028 KPI forwarding volume.

Unit : TEU

Originating region
  The Americas Europe East Asia South Asia &Oceania
  Current-year Prior-Year Difference Current-year Prior-Year Difference Current-year Prior-Year Difference Current-year Prior-Year Difference
Jan 2,473 2,620 94.4% 9,235 3,594 256.9% 28,908 18,134 159.4% 14,857 12,202 121.8%
Feb 2,530 2,980 84.9% 10,290 4,334 237.4% 23,503 16,901 139.1% 14,077 13,017 108.1%
Mar 3,023 2,861 105.6% 9,939 4,662 213.2% 27,236 19,903 136.8% 15,528 13,695 113.4%
Apr 3,294 3,047 108.1% 8,784 4,613 190.4% 27,805 18,208 152.7% 13,390 12,730 105.2%
May 3,052 2,735 111.6% 8,811 3,955 222.8% 29,526 18,564 159.1% 14,926 14,475 103.1%
Jun 3,409 2,763 123.4% 9,190 4,499 204.3% 29,026 18,288 158.7% 15,062 13,772 109.4%
Jul   2,949     4,932     20,325     14,398  
Aug   2,734     5,298     18,402     14,196  
Sep   3,800     4,405     22,632     14,141  
Oct   2,591     4,807     18,820     14,437  
Nov   2,543     5,050     19,365     13,122  
Dec   2,211     6,824     18,881     13,198  
Total   33,834     56,974     228,423     163,383  

*Figures are rounded off to unit.

*Japan total is the handling volume of the consolidated total.

*Results for 2024 include cargo-partner results by region of origin.

*The volume results listed correspond to the Business Plan 2028 KPI forwarding volume.

Ocean Cargo Export from Japan and overseas (Monthly results by quantity)

Unit : TEU

  Japan Total Overseas Total Total Weight
  Current-year Prior-Year Difference Current-year Prior-Year Difference Current-year Prior-Year Difference
Jan 16,320 19,264 84.7% 36,551 41,200 88.7% 52,870 60,463 87.4%
Feb 20,370 22,351 91.1% 37,232 36,949 100.8% 57,602 59,301 97.1%
Mar 22,192 25,999 85.4% 41,122 42,399 97.0% 63,314 68,398 92.6%
Apr 21,366 23,918 89.3% 38,597 37,945 101.7% 59,963 61,863 96.9%
May 17,420 20,975 83.1% 39,729 40,225 98.8% 57,149 61,201 93.4%
Jun 20,541 22,958 89.5% 39,323 42,769 91.9% 59,863 65,727 91.1%
Jul 19,916 22,523 88.4% 42,603 42,982 99.1% 62,519 65,505 95.4%
Aug 17,425 19,462 89.5% 40,629 41,816 97.2% 58,054 61,278 94.7%
Sep 20,634 20,348 101.4% 44,978 40,686 110.5% 65,611 61,034 107.5%
Oct 21,199 24,089 88.0% 40,656 42,107 96.6% 61,855 66,196 93.4%
Nov 19,394 21,839 88.8% 40,079 40,660 98.6% 59,474 62,500 95.2%
Dec 21,356 22,278 95.9% 41,115 40,998 100.3% 62,470 63,276 98.7%
Total 238,133 266,004 89.5% 482,614 490,737 98.3% 720,746 756,741 95.2%

*Figures are rounded off to unit.

*Japan total is the handling volume of the consolidated total.

*The volume results listed correspond to the Business Plan 2023 KPI forwarding volume.

Unit : TEU

Originating region
  The Americas Europe East Asia South Asia &Oceania
  Current-year Prior-Year Difference Current-year Prior-Year Difference Current-year Prior-Year Difference Current-year Prior-Year Difference
Jan 2,620 2,864 91.5% 3,594 5,019 71.6% 18,134 20,016 90.6% 12,202 13,301 91.7%
Feb 2,980 3,533 84.3% 4,334 4,750 91.2% 16,901 14,988 112.8% 13,017 13,678 95.2%
Mar 2,861 3,709 77.1% 4,662 5,539 84.2% 19,903 18,146 109.7% 13,695 15,005 91.3%
Apr 3,047 4,122 73.9% 4,613 5,064 91.1% 18,208 15,844 114.9% 12,730 12,915 98.6%
May 2,735 3,907 70.0% 3,955 5,024 78.7% 18,564 18,137 102.4% 14,475 13,158 110.0%
Jun 2,763 3,400 81.3% 4,499 4,829 93.2% 18,288 20,658 88.5% 13,772 13,882 99.2%
Jul 2,949 3,418 86.3% 4,932 4,874 101.2% 20,325 20,845 97.5% 14,398 13,844 104.0%
Aug 2,734 3,637 75.2% 5,298 4,857 109.1% 18,402 18,596 99.0% 14,196 14,727 96.4%
Sep 3,800 3,206 118.5% 4,405 4,477 98.4% 22,632 19,070 118.7% 14,141 13,933 101.5%
Oct 2,591 3,196 81.1% 4,807 5,313 90.5% 18,820 19,103 98.5% 14,437 14,496 99.6%
Nov 2,543 2,878 88.4% 5,050 4,834 104.5% 19,365 19,450 99.6% 13,122 13,499 97.2%
Dec 2,211 2,918 75.8% 6,824 4,929 138.4% 18,881 19,302 97.8% 13,198 13,849 95.3%
Total 33,834 40,787 83.0% 56,974 59,510 95.7% 228,423 224,154 101.9% 163,383 166,286 98.3%

*Figures are rounded off to unit.

*Japan total is the handling volume of the consolidated total.

*The volume results listed correspond to the Business Plan 2023 KPI forwarding volume.

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