Environmental Value

Management Approach

Main Sustainability Issues

  • Strengthen Response to Climate Change
  • Develop and Strengthen Sustainable Solutions
  • Recycling of Resources
  • Preventing Pollution of the Atmosphere, Soil, Etc.
  • Preserving Ecosystems
  • Appropriate Use of Water

NX GROUP's Approaches

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by facilitating the shift to LED, introducing eco-friendly vehicles and encouraging modal shifts and eco-driving
  • Save resources by promoting the 3Rs and increasing the number of eco-friendly products and services
  • Thoroughly prevent the cross-border movement of non-native species in compliance with relevant ordinances and treaties

Related SDGs

Management Indicators

In January 2023, NX GROUP set new medium-and long-term targets for reducing CO2 emissions with the aim of contributing to a carbon-neutral society and preserving the global environment.

  • 2030 Target

    Reduce NX GROUP Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 50% (compared with 2013)
    (Scope 1: 408,000 t-CO2 Scope 2: 42,000 t-CO2)

    FY2023 result
    (Scope 1: 547,000 t-CO2 Scope 2: 203,000 t-CO2)

  • 2050 Target
    Contribute to the creation of Scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon-neutral societies as a corporate group

Targets and Results for Improving LED of Facilities Lighting (Nippon Express Co., Ltd.)

Target: Ensure that all facilities are lit by LED 100%
FY2023 result

Specific Topics

  • Environmental management
  • Reduce CO2 emissions by reinforcing controls on climate change
  • Provide logistics technologies and services with low environmental impact
  • Strengthen adaptive capacity and resilience in the face of climate change
  • Environmental data(climate change)
  • Recycling of resources
  • Protect terrestrial and marine ecosystems
  • Environmental data (resource recycling)

Environmental initiatives in NX GROUP

To comply to the European Energy Directive (EED) NIPPON EXPRESS (Nederland) B.V. adopted the Dutch "CO2 performance ladder" (CO2 prestatieladder) standard and developed a plan to reduce its CO2 footprint and energy consumption.
As a member of NX GROUP this plan follows our corporate goals: 30% reduction on CO2 emission and all warehouses and offices light by LED in 2030.
We report our progression annually via the "CO2 progress and energy action plan report".

For more information about the CO2 performance ladder standard as well as the foundation that manages it please visit the website: https://www.skao.nl/en

We also became member of the "Club van 49" in order to share knowledge and ideas with other companies with the target to reduce the CO2 emitting.We also wish to share the best practices how to reduce the consumption of fossile fuels.Fore more information about this initiative please visit the website: https://clubvan49.nl/ (Dutch only)