NX GROUP’s corporate philosophy is to “inspire trust every step of the way.” NX GROUP’s on-site capabilities, based on the values of respect for human rights, safety, compliance, and quality, are the foundation of NX GROUP’s value creation and the trust society places in NX GROUP.
Based on these values, we are promoting initiatives related to compliance, respect for human rights, and ensuring the safety and security of our employees, which leads to the reduction of safety risks and the risk of personnel outflow.
To achieve the goal of “Zero serious accidents and disasters,” NX GROUP holds meetings twice a year in each region which is attended by safety promotion personnel from each operating company, and promotes both top-down and bottom-up safety and quality improvement activities across the Group and on a global basis.
In FY2023, we established NX GROUP Guidelines for Handling Traffic Accidents, Occupational Accidents, and Cargo Accidents, which unify the standards for accidents and disasters across the entire Group, and started using a checklist for the purpose of improving the safety and quality of partner companies. Work is being conducted at Group Company to prevent accidents and disasters by identifying trends in accidents and disasters that occurred in the previous fiscal year and formulating safety targets and safety initiatives for FY2024.
In FY2024, we are conducting safety quality training to promote exchanges among the Group on safety quality, actively introducing advanced (or “the latest”) technologies that can reduce accident risk, and improve quality in cooperation with subcontractors by utilizing safety and quality checklists at subcontractors, strengthening safety and quality management systems across the Group and on a global basis.
In August 2023, we formulated and announced NX GROUP Human Rights Policy in order to realize consistent efforts to respect human rights across the entire NX GROUP in light of the growing social demand for human rights in business in Japan and overseas and the expectations of our business partners, including customers.
In December 2023, we formulated and announced NX GROUP Sustainable Procurement Policy to serve as the foundation for responsible procurement activities. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society while valuing communication with our stakeholders so that we can continue to inspire trust every step of the way (see “Positioning of NX GROUP Human Rights Policy and NX GROUP Sustainable Procurement Policy” below).
NX GROUP identifies and assesses human rights risks within the Group. In FY2023, the first year of the initiative, we conducted interviews with departments in charge of human rights risks at major Group companies in Japan and overseas, and identified risks based on existing internal information, such as whistle-blowing systems, as well as external information, such as various international standards and reports from international organizations.
Please refer to the Sustainability Data Book [PDF 7,925KB] for more information on our other initiatives against this Material Issue.