The logistics business generates a large amount of CO2 emissions, which are a cause of global warming (17.4% of Japan’s CO2 emissions by industry in 2021*). Therefore, efforts to reduce CO2 emissions are an urgent task. We also recognize that reducing CO2 emissions during the transportation of customer cargo (Scope 3) is also an Material Issue. In response, NX GROUP has positioned reducing CO2 emissions as an important issue to be addressed for sustainable business growth and is actively working on this issue. NX GROUP has set as medium- and long-term CO2 emission reduction targets for the entire Group with the goal of reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% from 2013 levels by 2030 and contributing to the realization of a carbon-neutral society by 2050. Aiming to achieve these targets, we will strive to reduce CO2 emissions from our own operations. At the same time, we will work to provide products and services that contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions during the transportation of customer cargo. In this way, we will contribute to the conservation of the global environment, which is a prerequisite for the survival of our business, as we pursue opportunities for business growth.
*Data from Japan’s National Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals in Fiscal Year 2021 (Final Figures), Ministry of the Environment
NX GROUP considers CO2 emission reduction initiatives to be Material Issues necessary for the sustainable growth of the Group and the enhancement of corporate value, and is actively working on them. We have recently developed an emissions reduction roadmap that shows NX GROUP’s path to decarbonization by 2050. The roadmap outlines current specific key measures and milestones to ensure the steady achievement of the Group’s 2030 and 2050 CO2 emission reduction targets. In the future, we plan to develop a more detailed roadmap based on technological development and market trends for eco-friendly vehicles and alternative fuels. In order to steadily implement measures to achieve these targets, the entire NX GROUP will further focus on efforts to reduce CO2 emissions.
In NX GROUP Business Plan 2028, NX GROUP has positioned strengthening its response to climate change as one of the most important and urgent issues, and is focusing on initiatives to respond to this issue. During the period covered by the plan, we will set interim targets for reducing Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions as KPIs, establish specific action plans, and manage the progress of various initiatives. In addition, to achieve the interim targets we have set, we plan to make a capital investment of ¥25 billion for sustainability investment, including the acquisition of eco-friendly vehicles.
Please refer to the Sustainability Data Book [PDF 7,925KB] for more information on our other initiatives against this Material Issue.