Press Release

NX East Asia Region conducts tree-planting activity in Shanghai

Nippon Express (China) Co., Ltd. (President: Sumitoshi Matsuo), a group company of NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, INC. (President: Satoshi Horikiri), that oversees the East Asia Region, conducted a tree-planting activity in the Qingpu District of Shanghai on Sunday, March 3.


(Group photo of participants)


(Family planting a tree)

Recognizing its social and public missions as a logistics company, the NX Group actively communicates with local communities and engages in community-based social contribution activities.
As part of its environmental and social contribution activities, the NX Group's East Asia Region recently held a tree-planting event in Shanghai in which employees and their families (a total of 45 people) took part. While planting cherry trees (Somei-yoshino), the participants reaffirmed the importance of environmental protection and raised their awareness of social contribution efforts.

The NX Group will continue to fulfill its social development responsibilities by connecting people, companies, and communities, and actively strive to preserve the global environment and realize sustainable societies.