Press Release

NX East Asia Region conducts workplace tour for junior high school students in Shanghai

Nippon Express (China) Co., Ltd. (Chairman: Sumitoshi Matsuo), a group company of NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, INC. (President: Satoshi Horikiri), that oversees the East Asia Region, conducted a workplace tour for junior high school students in Shanghai on Thursday, July 18.

 Recognizing its social and public missions as a logistics company, the NX Group actively communicates with local communities and engages in community-based social contribution activities.
This workplace tour was conducted at the Qingpu Warehouse of Nippon Express Global SCM (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and attended by 16 junior high school students enrolled in the Yunnan Nujiang Youth Employment Support Project, a program offering youth skills training and employment support. The students heard a lecture on basic logistics knowledge and participated in a safety course presented by East Asia Regional General Manager Sumitoshi Matsuo, and then observed forklifts, automatic label attaching equipment and AGVs in operation within the warehouse. The students taking part commented that the visit had been very useful in giving them a deeper understanding of the logistics industry, and they regarded the tour as a valuable opportunity to become better acquainted with the nature of work in the logistics industry and with the state-of-the-art technology employed in the logistics field.

The NX Group remains committed to actively undertaking social contribution activities in the East Asia Region to help develop human resources capable of assuming active roles in the logistics industry.