Press Release

Nippon Express begins Sea & Rail multimodal service from Japan to Europe via Xiamen

“NEX Ocean-Solution China Land Bridge” launched

On Sunday, September 1, Nippon Express Co., Ltd. (Mitsuru Saito, President), launched "NEX Ocean-Solution China Land Bridge", a multimodal (Sea & Rail) transport service from Japan to Europe that uses cross-border rail transport between China and Europe via Xiamen in China.


[Service details]
This service combines marine transport from major ports in Japan (Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, and Moji) to Xiamen, China, with rail transport from Xiamen to Małaszewicze in Poland and to Hamburg and Duisburg in Germany. The lead time from major Japanese ports to the various railway terminals in Europe is 23-25 days.

[Service features]

[Background to service development]
In November 2015 Nippon Express began offering a cross-border rail transport service between China and Europe as a "third transport mode" between air and marine transport, and established this as a viable transport means.

A multimodal transport service from Japan to Europe using China-Europe railways was launched in May 2018, and Sea & Rail multimodal transport services are now available via Dalian or Taicang in China. Nippon Express' latest product was developed in the course of developing products for other routes that achieve shorter lead times, lower costs and more convenient services to satisfy customers' wishes.

To address diversifying logistics needs in future, Nippon Express will continue developing new transport products that combine a variety of modes with the goal of "creating new ideas and value that expand the field of logistics" as advocated in its Corporate Philosophy.

*Nippon Express website on international rail transport