Charter of Conduct

To assist in creating a sustainable society, the NX GROUP will carry out its corporate social responsibilities through its various business operations, based on the following principles.

Pursuit of Safety and Quality

1. In order to satisfy our customers and gain their trust, we will develop and provide safe, high quality products and services that are useful to society.

Sound Company Conduct

2. We will conduct our business transactions in a manner that is fair, transparent, freely competitive and proper. We will also maintain sound and properly functioning relationships with political and governmental bodies.

Public Communications, Disclosure of Information and Protection of Information

3. In addition to communicating with our wide range of stakeholders and actively and fairly disclosing company information, we will endeavor to meet stakeholders' expectations and deepen mutual understanding. Also, we will carefully protect and manage personal information, customers’ information and other kinds of information.

Respect for Employees

4. At the same time as respecting the diversity, personal qualities and individuality of our employees, we will ensure a safe and pleasant working environment, and will promote the creation of a workplace where employees can experience job satisfaction and a sense of purpose in life.

Responsibilities to the Earth’s Environment

5. As the preservation of the earth's environment is a common issue for all humanity and an essential requirement for the existence and activities of the company, we will actively promote environmental management.

Contribution to International Society

6. In dealing with the globalization of our business operations, we will observe the laws of each country and region and, in addition to respecting the various international standards, we will manage our business in a manner that takes into consideration cultures, customs and the concerns of our stakeholders, and will contribute to the economic and social development of the various countries and regions.

Social Contribution Activities

7. As a good corporate citizen, we will actively undertake social contribution activities.

Respect for Human Rights

8. In our company activities, we will respect human rights and will not engage in conduct, such as discriminatory treatment, that violates human rights. In addition, we will reject child labor and forced labor.

Severance from Antisocial Forces

9. We will resolutely confront all antisocial forces or groups that threaten the order and safety of civil society, and we will completely prohibit any relationships with them.

Responsibilities of Top Management

10. Recognizing that their role is to put this Charter into practice, the top management will, by leading by example, strive to fully implement it within their companies and endeavor to promote it among business partners and other elements of the supply chain. In addition, they will seek to understand the opinions and ideas of persons from within and outside the company, establish effective company structures, and promote strict corporate ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Resolution of Problems by Top Management

11. If matters occur that are contrary to this Charter, top management will demonstrate to persons within and outside the company that they will deal with such issues, and will endeavor to determine the causes of the problems and prevent them from recurring. In addition, they will carry out their responsibilities to provide prompt and accurate disclosure of information and explanations to the public and, after determining their authority and responsibility, will ensure that the relevant persons are dealt with strictly.


The NX Group establishes this “NX Group Charter of Conduct” to regulate its day-by-day activities, and to provide guidance for specific real-world actions. This and the “NX Group Corporate Philosophy” sets out the permanent long-term values of the NX Group.
This document is revised from the Nippon Express Charter of Conduct to apply to all group companies in Japan and abroad following changes in the concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as set out in such policies as ISO26000.

Adopted August 1999/Revised October 2003, April 2011, January 2022